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Author Guidelines

Instructions for Authors

Submission of a manuscript to the Al-Nahrain Journal of Science (ANJS) implies that the work described in the manuscript has not been published or is under consideration for publication elsewhere. In addition, submitting a manuscript implies that all co-authors and the responsible authorities have approved the intention to publish the work in ANJS. The publisher will not be held legally responsible should there be any compensation claims.

Authorship: is the state or definition given to those who contribute substantially to creating the scientific material included in the work to be published. This includes contribution in one or all of the following: data design and acquisition, data interpretation and analysis, and manuscript writing. The ANJS editor cannot decide on the authorship order or judge authorship disputes. If disputes between the authors arise, the institution(s) where the authors' work was accomplished will be asked to investigate.

Affiliations:  Authors of the submitted manuscript must specify relevant affiliations to attribute where the research work was conducted. For non-research work, authors must list their institutional affiliation. If the author has more than one affiliation, all must be listed in the submitted manuscript. If the author has no affiliation, then he/she must state an independent status.    

Responsibilities of authors and corresponding author: The first author undertakes most of the work duties and makes a significant intellectual contribution to the work submitted. The corresponding author carries out the communication and administrative tasks necessary for publishing the manuscript on behalf of all the contributing authors. The corresponding author is the one who receives the reviewers’ comments, the proofs, etc., and whose contact details are printed on the article so that readers can request reprints or contact the research group for further discussions. The corresponding author is responsible for keeping all the contributing authors updated with the publishing process.  

Declaration of author contributions: Each author's contribution must be declared on submission on the cover letter.

Research Ethics 

Research dealing with human samples must follow the Helsinki Declaration of 1964. All participants, their parents and guardians should understand the study protocol and give their informed consent to participate before being included in the study. The experimental protocol should be approved by the ethical committee of the authors’ institute before commencing the research.  Each article should include an ethical code or approval number in the material and method section. Additionally, maintaining and treating experimental procedures on animals, in accordance with the author institute guidelines or the National Institutes of Health's guidelines for the human use of laboratory animals, should be declared in the material and method section.



Submitting a manuscript requires the following documents:

The sequence of the sections in your manuscript should be as mentioned below:



  1. Introduction
  2. Theoretical Background / Materials and Methods
  3. Theory and Formaula / Experimental Work
  4. Results and Discussion
  5. Conclusions




Before submitting your manuscript, please ensure the following guidelines are met. The manuscript should be written in clear and grammatically correct English language. The manuscript should be typed in an A4-sized Word document. Make sure to use the MS Word template available on the journal’s website to prepare your manuscript. Manuscripts that do not comply with the guidelines will be returned to the authors. Only one author should be involved in the correspondence during paper submission, evaluation, and revision.


  • The title of the manuscript should not exceed 20 words.
  • The title should be formatted in title format. The title format is the title case. It requires capitalizing all initial letters, including subordinate conjunctions (as, because, although). Prepositions, such as “for”, “or”, and “and” must be in lowercase. For hyphenated phrases, capitalize both words unless the second word is a verb.
  • No abbreviations are allowed in the title. The title may not contain words like “First” or “Novel” nor any part or series number.

Authors’ names

  • Authors’ names should be given in complete form: first names, initials, and surnames. Example:- Jamie H. Warner.
  • No title is required for any of the authors (like Dr. Sr., Mr., Ms., or Mrs.).
  • One author for correspondence and a copyright transfer should be indicated. The correspondence is referred to by an ASTERISK (*). Example: Jamie H. Warner*, Andrew A. Watt.

Authors’ affiliations

  • The author's affiliations should be mentioned below the authors’ names. Authors of the different affiliations are indicated by a number next to their names in superscript format. Example:- Jamie H. Warner1,*, Andrew A. Watt2

1 Department of Materials, University of Oxford, Park Road, Oxford, UK.

2 Department of Electronics, College of Science, Beijing University, Beijing, China.

E-mail address

  • The e-mail address for the corresponding author should be inserted in the title page below the name/address.


  • The abstract is required. The number of words should be limited to 300 words. Within this limit of words, the authors should be able to highlight their work's most important assumptions and results.
  • Abbreviations should be defined upon the first usage.
  • No reference citations are allowed in the abstract.


  • Authors should provide at least four keywords related to the subject of their manuscript.

Main Text

  • Section titles are mandatory.
  • Sections should be ordered as explained earlier.
  • All Latin words, phrases, and abbreviations must be italicized throughout the text. Examples: e., et al., e.g., in situ, via, etc., or etcetera, in vivo.
  • Put all citations (references) throughout the text in square brackets. Put citations immediately before the punctuation.
  • Dedications may be included in the acknowledgments section.

Figures and Tables

  • All figures and tables should be cited in order in the text.
  • Use the words (figure, table), not the abbreviations.
  • Every figure should have a caption (below the figure), and every table should have a title (above the table).
  • Schemes must have titles and may contain footnotes. Figures and tables not from the author's work should be referenced in the caption with a reference number associated with the reference list at the end of the manuscript.
  • Tables should be of a simple grid format with clear column headings.
  • Use Times New Roman font type for the lettering inside the figures. Lettering should be of uniform size and density, no smaller than 6 points, and lines should not be thinner than 0.5 points at the final published size.
  • Figures containing photographic images must be at least 300 dpi.
  • Photographs should be in TIF or JPEG format.
  • Use Times New Roman font type for the headings of the table columns. Tables should be self-explanatory.


Acknowledgment of non-authors and Funding: Non-author's contributions include assistance provided for writing assistance, technical and language editing, and proofreading. The authors must acknowledge all this. In addition to that, financial support must also be acknowledged.

As for funding received, ANJS requires that authors declare all the financial support that covered the research expenses reported, the associated results obtained, data collection and analysis, and fieldwork. Funding may be internal or external. Internal funding includes grants and financial support from the authors affiliating institutions and organizations. External funding includes financial support from non-profit organizations, research and trade associations, and government bodies. 

If no funding was obtained for the work submitted, authors are encouraged to declare that no funding was received.

Acknowledgement of non-authors and funding must include full names, grant numbers, and name(s) of the author(s) who received the funding. 



  • References should be individually numbered with only one citation per reference.
  • References must stick to correct journal formats and their abbreviated titles.
  • Include article titles in title case, journal abbreviations according to CASSI, proper punctuation, and arrangement.
  • References with more than four (6) authors must list the first four, followed by “et al.”.
  • Include the issue numbers in the references.

 Journal referencing

  • Author1, A.B.; Author2, C.D.; Author 3 E.F.; "Title of the article". Abbreviated Journal Name, Volume number (Issue number): page range, Year.
  • Al-Tabbakh, A.A.; More, M.A.; Joag, D.S.; Ramgir, N. S.; "Energy Analysis of Field Emitted Electrons from a ZnO Tetrapod". Appl. Phys. Lett., 90(1): 25–33, 2017.

Book referencing

  • Author1, A.B.; Author2, B.C.; Author3, E.F.; "Title of the chapter". In Book Title, 2nd ed.; Editor1, A.B.; Editor2, C.D.; Editor3, E.F., Eds.; Publisher: Publisher Location, Country, page range, Year.


  • Author1, A.B.; Author2, B.C.; Author3, E.F.; "Title of Presentation". In: Title of the Collected Work (if available), Name of the Conference, Location of Conference, Country, Date of Conference; Editor1, A.B.; Editor2, C.D.; Editor3, E.F.; Eds. (if available); Publisher: City, Country, (if available), Year.

Examples of citation: 

  • Author1, A.B.; Author2, C.D.; Author3, E.F.; "Title of the article". Abbreviated Journal Name, Volume number (Issue number): page range, Year.
  • Author1, A.B.; Author2, B.C.; Author3, E.F.; "Title of the chapter". In Book Title, 2nd ed.; Editor 1 A.B., Editor 2 C.D. and Editor 3 E.F., Eds.; Publisher: Publisher Location, Country, page range, Year.
  • Author1, A.B.; Author2, B.C.; Author3, E.F.; "Book Title". 3rd ed.; Publisher: Publisher Location, Country, Year.
  • Author1, A.B.; Author2, B.C.; Author3, E.F.; "Title of Unpublished Work". Abbreviated Journal Name stage of publication (under review; accepted; in press).
  • Author1, A.B.; Author2, B.C.; Author3, E.F.; "Title of Presentation". In: Title of the Collected Work (if available), Proceedings of the Name of the Conference, Location of Conference, Country, Date of Conference; Editor 1 A.B., Editor 2 C.D. and Editor 3 E.F., Eds. (if available); Publisher: City, Country, (if available);, Year.
  • Author1, A.B.; "Title of Thesis". Level of Thesis, Degree-Granting College, University, Location of University, Year.

citation: Authors must cite relevant articles and literature in their manuscript. Inappropriate citation or citation manipulation (such as excessive self-citation and prearranged mutual citation among researchers) are considered a form of misconduct.

Additional Requirements 

Graphical Abstract 

A graphical abstract is an author-generated image aiming to provide the readers with an immediate overview of the research article published. It is designed to reflect on the purpose and most significant research results included in the article. It summarizes the main findings and key points of the article visually. It may contain images, graphs, diagrams, and/or charts that are brought together in a single image and produced artistically. It is supposed to convey the essence of the work quickly and easily to both expert and non-expert readers. Graphical Image must be of high quality and resolution.

Authors must provide their article-related graphical image after being notified of the final acceptance of their submitted manuscript for publication in the al-Nahrain Journal of Science. 

The graphical abstract is published with the accepted manuscript. it appears next to the article title on the issue web page. 

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • Title of the submission should not exceed 20 words and the abstract length is limited to 200 words.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • The manuscript has not been submitted to or previously published in another journal.
  • The manuscript file is in OpenOffice or Microsoft Word file format.
  • The text is in 10-point size, Times New Roman font style, normal font face, and single-spaced. All illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • Cover Letter should be uploaded
  • Conflict of Interest should be uploaded
  • References and their corresponding DOIs have been included in the manuscript and formatted according to the ANJS reference style.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.