تقدير الفناديوم (V ) في عينات المياه بوساطة اكسدة البايروكالول معب ارً بمعادلة من الدرجة الثانية بتقنية الحقن الجرياني الطيفي لممحاليل
Vanadium(V) was determined in aqueous solution in three randomly chosen samples from river water Surrounding Al-Jadirya area, via the oxidation of vanadium(V) in acidic medium, creating a coloured species (max 427nm) using continuous flow injection technique. Linear regressicn equation of the from y=a+bx gave linear plot 2-50 g.ml-1 with apercentage linearity of 91.37. while a quadratic equation of the form y=a+bx+cx2 gave a correlation of 0.5-70 g.ml-1. it was found that a quadrate treatment gave much more correlation results.The effect of interfering ions were studied and was noticed that it has little or no effect