بعض معايير النمو واإلنتاجية لمحصول البطاطا بعد الرش بتراكيز مختمفة من محمول خميرة الخبز


  • وفاء علي حسين قسم البستنة، كلية الزراعة، جامعة بغداد، العراق
  • لؤي قحطان خلف قسم وقاية النبات، كلية الزراعة، جامعة بغداد، العراق


الرش الورقي, البطاطا, محمول خميرة الخبز


This research was carried out at Horticulture Department - College of Agriculture- Baghdad University at fall season 2006, to study some growth characters and productivity of potato crop as influenced by different foliar sprays of yeast, Four concentrations of yeast solution (2, 4, 6 or 8) g/l were tested plus control treatment (spraying with distilled water) on vegetative growth and yield of potato Solanum tuberosum L. Cv. Desiree .A Randomized Complete Block Design was used with three replicates .Yeast solution treatments were applied as foliar spray repeated for tow times at 10 day intervals beginning with 30 days after sowing. Spraying yeast solution treatment at 8 g / L significantly increased plant height and number of branches / plant at the rate of (20.13, 53.69)% respectively as compared with control. Yeast solution treatments (4, 8 or 6) g / L increase dry matter of vegetative growth at the rate of (28.72, 23.07 and 21.63)% respectively compared with control. The yeast solution treatments at (8 and 6) g/ L gave highest yield /plant at the rate of (53.59, 51.88)% respectively as compared with the control. The number of tubers / plant was increased at the rate of (47.25, 44.13 and 42.45)% when used (8, 4 and 6) g/L respectively as compared with control . The yeast solution treatment 4 g/L increased dry matter percentage of tuber at the rate of 19.14% as compared with control. The yeast solution treatment 6 g/L increased T.S.S. at the rate 28.35% compared with the control treatment.






How to Cite

بعض معايير النمو واإلنتاجية لمحصول البطاطا بعد الرش بتراكيز مختمفة من محمول خميرة الخبز. ANJS 2018, 11 (1), 33-37.