تاثير المصدرين الكاربوني والنايتروجيني على انتاج حامض الاندول خليك IAA من العزلة المحلية Fusarium oxysporum F2
Local Fungal (13)isolates of Fusarium were screened for production of plant hormone based on its high production of growth regulator IAA which was reach 5.79 g/ml .The production of growth regulator (IAA) from strain F. oxysporum F2 was study by using different growth medias , the glucose mineral medium gave high production. The carbon source and concentration were studied, sucrose gave 10.64 g IAA/ml when used as carbon source with 4.5% concentration.The nitrogen source and concentration were studied; the yeast extract gave 27.34 g IAA / ml when used as nitrogen source with 0.6% concentration