Serum Total Cholesterol and Triglycerides in Iraqi Individuals in kirkuk City


  • Aseel S A Al-Hindi Department of Essential Science, College of Nursing, Kirkuk University, Iraq.
  • Thaer A A A-Obaidi Azadi General Hospital, Kirkuk, Iraq




To determine the normal serum levels of total cholesterol and triglyceride in the healthy local population of individual and to compare them with normal values in literature. Secondly, to study the effects of age, sex and occupation on these parameters.Samples from (122) healthy Iraqi individuals in Kirkuk city, (76 men and 46 women) was used as subject of this investigation . The blood samples from these individuals were analyzed for total cholesterol and triglyceride levels.The results were analyzed in relation to sex, age and occupation. The total serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels were higher but statistically not significant. Variation was observed in relation to sex. The study has also exhibit age depended statistically significant elevation the levels of serum lipid. Mean values ofscrum total cholesterol and triglyceride subjects were level decreases in individuals engaged in heavy works.The normal values of scrum cholesterol and triglyceride were found to be higher compared to those the reported by other investigator. Because the variations both fat and carbohydrate composition of the diet rapidly induce changes in serum lipid fractions.






How to Cite

Serum Total Cholesterol and Triglycerides in Iraqi Individuals in Kirkuk City. ANJS 2018, 8 (1), 25-27.