A Review of Machine Learning Approach for Twitter Sentiment Analysis


  • Mohammed W. Habib Computer Science Department, College of Science, Al-Nahrain University, Baghdad, Iraq
  • Zainab N. Sultani Computer Science Department, College of Science, Al-Nahrain University, Baghdad-Iraq


Sentiment analysis, opinion mining, social media, natural language progressing, text mining


One of the active sciences or studies whose importance is rising is the science of sentiment analysis. The reason is due to the increasing sources of data that require investigation.  Among the most valuable sources is Twitter, in addition to Facebook and other social media platforms. The objective of sentiment analysis is to classify sentiment/opinions of users as positive, negative, or neutral from textual data. This analysis is valuable for many applications that require understanding people's or users' opinions and emotions about a particular topic, product, or service. Several researchers tackle the problem of sentiment analysis using machine learning algorithms. In this paper, a comparative study is presented of various researches conducted a sentiment analysis on social media and especially on Tweets.  The survey carried out in this paper provides an overview of preprocessing steps, machine learning algorithms, and approaches used for sentiment classification during the period 2015-2020.







How to Cite

A Review of Machine Learning Approach for Twitter Sentiment Analysis. ANJS 2021, 24 (4), 52-58.