Variational Iteration Approach for Solving Two-Points Fuzzy Boundary Value Problems


  • Hussein Razzaq Department of Mathematics and Computer Applications, College of Science, Al-Nahrain University, Baghdad-Iraq
  • Fadhel S. Fadhel Department of Mathematics and Computer Applications, College of Science, Al-Nahrain University, Baghdad-Iraq


Fuzzy boundary value problem, Variational iteration method, Fuzzy number, Fuzzy differential equation


The main objective of this paper is to introduce interval two-point fuzzy boundary value problems, in which the fuzziness course when the coefficients of the governing ordinary differential equation and/or the boundary conditions include fuzzy numbers of either triangular or trapezoidal types. Such equations will be solved by introducing the concept of α – level sets, α Î [0,1] to treat the fuzzy ordinary differential equation into two nonfuzzy ordinary differential equations, which correspond to the lower and upper solutions of the interval fuzzy solutions. The well-known variational iteration method has been used to solve two-point fuzzy boundary value problems and linear equations have been examined.


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How to Cite

Variational Iteration Approach for Solving Two-Points Fuzzy Boundary Value Problems. ANJS 2023, 26 (3), 51-59.