Comparison of the Effectiveness of 532 nm and 660 nm Diode Laser on MRSA Viability in Different Tissue Thicknesses in Vitro


  • Ali A. Turki Aldalawi Department of Vocational Education, Babylon Education Directorate, Babylon, Iraq.



Diode laser , Tissue thickness , MRSA infection , Treatment effectiveness , Bacterial viability


Laser-based technologies are indispensable tools in microbial decontamination and provide effective means for controlling infectious agents across diverse environments. However, understanding the transmission of laser light through different tissue types is crucial for optimizing microbial control efficacy and patient safety. This study investigates the interaction between laser parameters and tissue properties, focusing on the effect of 532 nm and 660 nm diode lasers on Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus MRSA susceptibility in chicken and beef tissues with different thicknesses. By investigating the interplay between laser parameters and different tissue properties, including penetration depth and transmission properties, this study provides valuable insights for improving laser-based microbial decontamination strategies. These insights facilitate the development of personalized treatment protocols that take into account tissue-specific optical properties, ensuring precise targeting of microbial pathogens while minimizing potential damage to surrounding tissue. Wavelengths of 660 nm significantly reduced MRSA viability in 3 mm thick beef samples, promising tissue safety. Conversely, 532 nm wavelengths were most effective in 5 mm and 10 mm thick beef samples, demonstrating laser-based versatility in targeting microbial pathogens across tissue environments. By elucidating optimal laser parameters for diverse tissues, this research lays the foundation for personalized treatment protocols against MRSA in various clinical settings. These results provide valuable insights into understanding the interaction between laser light and tissue properties and mitigating potential risks associated with laser-based interventions. As such, incorporating considerations of penetration depth and transmission characteristics into laser treatment planning is essential to achieve optimal microbial control outcomes and ensure patient safety across diverse tissue environments.


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How to Cite

Comparison of the Effectiveness of 532 Nm and 660 Nm Diode Laser on MRSA Viability in Different Tissue Thicknesses in Vitro. ANJS 2024, 27 (3), 69-80.