Fuzzy Almost Nearly Prime and Fuzzy Almost Nearly 2 Absorbing Submodules


  • Khudhayer O. Kadem Iraqi Ministry of Education, Babylon Education Directorate, Iraq




Fuzzy Almost Nearly prime , Fuzzy Almost Nearly 2 Absorbiing


We present in this work the concepts of fuzzy AlmostNearlyprime submodules and fuzzy AlmostNearly2Absorbiing submodules as popularizations of fuzzy Nearly prime submodules and fuzzy 2-Absorbing submodules. Numerous additional fundamental characteristics, attributes, and connections between these ideas and other ideas are provided.


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How to Cite

Fuzzy Almost Nearly Prime and Fuzzy Almost Nearly 2 Absorbing Submodules. ANJS 2024, 27 (4), 7-11. https://doi.org/10.22401/na0zt189.