Discrete Wavelet Transform-Based Image Processing: A Review
Discrete wavelet transforms, Image compression, Image de-noising, Image enhancement, Image watermarkingAbstract
The field of image processing has seen remarkable advancements over the past few decades, and Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) has emerged as a powerful tool within this domain. This review article provides a comprehensive overview of previously published works that focus on DWT’s application in image processing. DWT offers multi-resolution analysis capabilities, making it particularly useful for various image processing tasks such as de-noising, compression, enhancement, and feature extraction. This review explores the fundamental principles of DWT and its mathematical foundations. We delve into its advantages over traditional Fourier Transform methods, particularly its ability to handle non-stationary signals and provide both frequency and spatial information simultaneously. The article surveys the application of DWT in different image processing techniques. It discusses how DWT contributes to the efficiency and effectiveness of image compression algorithms, such as the JPEG 2000 standard, and its role in reducing noise while preserving important image features.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Israa Hashim Latif, Sarah Haider Abdulredha, Sana Khalid Abdul Hassan

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