دور حامض اللايبوتكوك المنقى جزئيا من بكتريا E.faecalis المعزولة محليا في الالتصاق
The isolate E.faecalis U12 was tested for adhesion to Uroepithelial cells, the bacteria adhere in average of 81.25 (bacterial cell/ epithelial cell) .When the role of partial purified LTA was tested The adherence was inhibited by using 400 μg ⁄ml LTA and 500 μg ⁄ml LTA in a percentage of 8.5% and 10% respectively, these results refered to the secondary role of LTA in the adherence of E.faecalis. While it could not inhibit the adherence in 500 μg ⁄ ml dLTA, this refered to the role of lipid part of LTA in the adherence.